i was recently emailed about another blog post about our recent FTX Downtown 2 event that occurred on January 24th, 2010. the blog is called “Social Political Art”. thanks so much to whoever wrote it!!!! 🙂
you can read it below or go to this link:
Let Them Eat French Toast
Last year my sweetheart heard a story about a guy (Shyam) who had fed French Toast to the needy and homeless on the streets of Los Angeles. When he has traveled for his work he has done the same thing in other cities around the world. This year he fed French Toast on January 24, 2010. He asked for volunteers so my sweetheart and I went downtown to 6th and Towne (skidrow) and helped.

and over 1,300 pieces of french toast!!!!!!! Also some of the volunteers brought bags and bags of oranges and cases of bottled water.