ftx one
ftx burningman: 2003 august 25 to 31st, 2003
playlist: “seahorse song” by sean sobczak
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#6 (not inducted yet)
#9 (not inducted yet)
#10 (not inducted yet)
#12 (not inducted yet)
#22 (not inducted yet)
#30 (not inducted yet)
ftx two
tee-shirt initiations:
because I only have so much time to devote to the ftx website, it became clear that the tee shirt initiation slideshows would have to be strung together as one piece. With that said I could not help myself in regards to numbers 38 and 44, thus I have links to those two short slideshows independently as I prepare the whole enchilada. (click the little next to the number to watch.) playlist: “blood brothers ” by the boss#0 (not inducted yet)
#1s (shyam & daisy)
#3 2004
#4 2004
#5 2004
#6 2004
#7 2004
#9 2004
#10 2004
#11 2004
#12 2004
#38 2006
#39 2006
#44 2006
ftx three
jodphur, india: november, 2004
playlist: “punjab” by karunesh
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#43(not inducted yet)
ftx four
melbourne: may 20, 2005
playlist: ftx song by sarah giufre
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#14 (not inducted yet)
#18 (not inducted yet)
#21 (not inducted yet)
#23 (not inducted yet)
#25 (not inducted yet)
#26 (not inducted yet)
#33 (not inducted yet)
ftx five
times square, nyc: may 31, 2006
playlist: “breakin’ bread” by the jb’s
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#39 (not inducted yet)
#40 (not inducted yet)
ftx six
central park, nyc: june 21, 2006
playlist: ulrich schnauss “as if you’ve never been away”
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#42 (not inducted yet)
ftx seven
burningman @ the man: august 31, 2006
slideshow’s for all burningman ftx events are in the same film.
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#43 (not inducted yet)
#45 (not inducted yet)
ftx eight
burningman @ the flower september 1, 2006
slideshow’s for all burningman ftx events are in the same film.
playlist:”breakin’ bread” by the jb’s
ftx attendees:
#1 (shyam)
#43 (not inducted yet)
#45 (not inducted yet)
ftx nine
santa monica: february 04, 2007
playlist:”blankets of night” by hammock
ftx attendees: #1 (shyam)
#23 (in spirit!)
#46 (not inducted yet)
#48 (not inducted yet)
ftx ten
echo park, los angeles: december 01, 2007
ftx eleven
viaduct, auckland, new zealand: april 20, 2008
ftx twelve
east sixth and towne, los angeles, ca: jan 25, 2009
ftx thirteen
love park, philiadelphia, pa: july 04, 2009