January 27th, 2019 – FTX Melbourne Speech
I first came to Melbourne in 2005.
I came here for work and left knowing I had just lived in one of the greatest cities on Earth.
She is the home of Mad Max, AC⚡DC Lane, Bimbo Deluxe’s $4 pizzas, and Cascade ginger beer.
But more than that to me, Melbourne is where I discovered some of my deepest friendships. People who poured their high octane love into my heart to make me a far far better person than I ever could be.
Many of those people are standing here with me today, 14 years later.
And so before I turn the ignition key on our 24th French Toast and Hugs event I want to thank them.
Michelle, Sarah, and Richard – I love you.
If it wasn’t for these three, FTX Melbourne would not have happened.
In my travels I have learned it is a small world my friends.
Because your best friend is standing right beside you, even if you haven’t met them yet.
And it’s a large world too. It’s as large as the love you give and the love that you receive.
From my heart I thank everyone standing here with me today.
Because friendship is standing alongside each other as one.
I dedicate our 24th FTX with love to Irene Swierzbinski.
She is my brother Justin’s grandmother, a friend I love very much.
It is often said the world is a cold and hard place.
And that can be true.
But this is true too.
Strangers become friends. Friends become one heart. That heart is here today.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Welcome to FTX Melbourne