just in case you have not noticed, the image galleries have gone from being kind of not working and weird looking, to cool and functional. every image taken at event 12 is now online. ftx 12 image gallery
ftx 12 slideshow
it is the shortest turn around i have yet had on creating a slideshow from an event, almost as if being there. turned out pretty good if I do say so myself. [quicktime width=”320″ height=”255″]http://frenchtoastandhugs.com/docs/slideshows/ftx.12.slideshow.g.mp4[/quicktime]
shyam is sneeking posts
I happened to slide over to “story of my life” when I noticed shyam has laid down yet another ftx related post there about the induction of #34. anyway, always worth a read, especially the comment following his story addressed to mr. shaym. i hope i never stop calling shyam,…
Someone wants to hurry FT?
I saw this post on one of my favorite daily websites. I posted a response saying “why rush ft?” Read all about it here
ftx featured on story of my life!!!!
hi everyone. life is so wonderfully surprising to me these days. first the tremendous success of ftx downtown. it was and will always be something i will remember forever. something good that we all did. my friends. my family. my gang. i thank you with my full heart for donating…
ftx on youtube!
shyam wondered if we should put our slideshows up on youtube and i said why not? so i did, just go there and search for some love.
ripple effect of ftx on kcrw
following are some links to blogs and tweets that popped up after shyam did his thing on kcrw a little whiles back. btw, he sent me the photos from the downtown event and a slideshow should be happening soon-ish a tweet blog post dog blog photo blog a blog my…
ftx on kcrw March 1st, 2009
Yesterday at 11:10am history was made. In case you missed this awesome event, kcrw’s gastronomically inclined show entitled “good food” featured ours truly with an expose on ftx and Shyam. Here is the interview and below are screen grabs from the kcrw website. [quicktime width=”400″ height=”30″]http://frenchtoastandhugs.com/docs/movies/ftx.kcrw.3.1.2009.mp3[/quicktime] If you want to…
ftx kcrw interview reminder….
hey everyone!! just a quick reminder that my interview on KCRW about French Toast & Hugs (FTX) will be airing this saturday at 11am pacific standard time. i’m super excited that our gang is reaching more and more people. to be honest i can hardly believe it!! you can find…
ftx meets kcrw (February 28th)
hi everyone, just a quick note from me. ftx #38, henry cline, used his considerable influence and got me an interview about ftx on KCRW’s radio show “Good Food”. it’s hosted by evan kleiman and covers a lot of food related topics. for those of you that don’t live in…